Thursday, December 11, 2008
My favorite poem from this book was "The Trouble with Poetry." In this poem, Billy analyzes how poetry is something similar to a natural resource and one day poetry might end. He says that if we continue to right about things that the world has and we run out of things then that will be the end of poetry. I agreed with this theory because time and time again I have made the mistake of writing cliche poems that are boring because someone already wrote about the topic. Once we all use up all the things in this world then we will be left with pages and pages of clich poems.
I love reading poetry. I just finied taking the course Poetry Workshop with Sally-Bluimus and it was a really good class. We wrote journals on poems and we wrote poems throughout the semester. I learned alot about myself when I would write my poems because i contstantly wrote about my father and my mom. I had to read this book for that class and now I will definitely read more poetry even after the class. I definitely recommend this class to my friends because you can learn alot about yourself. I will also try to keep my own poetry book. I love writing poetry because poetry helps me to show my feelings without saying it to someone and that opportunity is very beneficial to me.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Stuff black people like: #48 Acting loud in the movie theaters

A few years back I was with a recruit that was trying to come to my school and he was so annoyed by the people talking. I was in a movie theater filled with kids and obnoxious people. The movie that I was seeing was SAW IV and after every scary scene, someone was yelling. I kept looking back to show them that I was about to lose my cool but they continued. Finally I was sick and fed up and gave them a piece of my mind. I asked them aggressively, “Can you please stop talking. Some people are trying to watch the movie.” That was the worst mistake that I have ever done. They started yelling even more and started throwing things. When I turned around to see how many of them it was, I realized that I had no chance if I wanted to keep my life. I simply sat and watched the rest of the movie and didn’t say a word. I never went back to that Kings Plaza movie theater. Now I go to the LOEWS in Port Chester.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Stuff black people like: #1 hair styles:braids

This is not the first time that someone parts their afro into four pig tails, braids the pig tails and adds random things to their head. I just recently cut my braids that I had for 8 years and at one point I had ridiculous hair styles like Marlon. I guess when you are black and have hair, this is where innovation happens.

Here are some pictures of someone advertising their braiding skills on MySpace searching for potential customers. From “zigzags” to “fishnets,” braids were a style over the past decade and the designs were the key components in the fashion statement. Over the years I have had many of these designs and much more. The only bad thing about braids is that it hurts a lot and its quite expensive when you have to pay to get it done.

Friday, November 7, 2008
Stuff Black People Like: #28 Not having a Savings

If black people learned how to budget their money we would take our selves out of depression. Look at the Jews. Jews save everything. If blacks had the mentality of Jews then this world will be very different. I think we are probably waiting for our reparation check from slavery to come in so we feel that we can spend all the money that we currently work for and get the rest of that money for the enslavement of our ancestors that we probably don’t know. Blacks that are successful probably learned the idea of saving money and that is why they move forward in life. As for the rest of us, we will continue spending until one day we have more bills to pay than our yearly income and bankruptcy is a must.
This is why not having a savings is #28 in Stuff that Black people like.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Stuff Black People Like: #17 The idea of Barack Obama
When the first black person saw that there might be a chance that the next President of the United States will might be an African American, there was a celebration. I can sit here and tell you all the good things that Obama has proposed and mention how well put together the man is but that’s not what us African Americans care about. All of that is a plus. We just want to see a black person become president. Blacks that didn’t vote in the past are now voting and trying to get their kids to vote and you know who they are voting for? Not McCain and Palin but the man that they think can revolutionize the African American society, take us out this recession, and change the world.
Vote or Die- or realize that we could have missed our chance in having a black president. This is why #17 on Stuff Black People Like is the idea of Barack Obama.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Stuff Black people Like: #13 Being in the shade at the Beach

Personally, I have a love hate relationship with the beach. I love everything except the sun. I am quite brown but the minute that sun touches me, I go from looking like a cookie to looking like an iPod. It’s just amazing how fast we can get dark and it sucks because we see white people laying there wanting to be darker. Its like a slap in the face!
Stuff Black People Like: # 12 Jordans

It has become a way of life for some. I remember seeing a line on Saturday mornings at 7:00am waiting for the local sneaker store to open, so that they can get a pair before they are sold out 30 minutes after the store is opened. I remember because I was on this line a lot. And no matter how ugly the new pairs are, we still want to have them because of the name.
Now don’t let me get started on the fake Jordan’s. The fake one’s make Black people want them more because they are cheaper and we can get more pairs. What’s going on my brothers and sisters?

Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Value of Sports

Sports have been a vast spreading entertainment that has industrialized along with the new ways of mass media. From watching a gladiator back in ancient Greece to the capabilities of watching games on cell phones, sports has become one of the greatest assets to man. From football to swimming in the Olympics, everyone wants to know the details. It has become an ideal means of communication. Sports are also the highlighter of the newspaper. After many have read the interesting information about the president and the war in Iraq, they want to turn to something with pictures and numbers that they can relate to. Its human nature.
I know personally that whenever I grab a newspaper I go to the sports section. It has become so habitual because it does not matter what sport is highlighted, I know that it will be interesting. Newspapers need their sports section. If the sports section did not exist, the sales of newspapers would decrease tremendously.
Here are some statistics taken from a survey given to 5,000 people.
Top 5 sections among male company workers
Headlines (62.0%)
Domestic News (55.4%)
Sports (55.4%)
Economy (53.3%)
International News (47.8%)
Headlines (66.7%)
International News (45.8%)
Sports (43.1%)
TV listings (41.7%)
Politics (38.9%)
Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Iceberg theory and how it applies to news stories

Ernest Hemingway stated, “If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. The writer who omits things because he does not know them only makes hollow places in his writing.” Hemingway has used this theory for many of his works and his essential reason for doing this is to make the reader think about what’s not technically being said. It is called the iceberg theory because the authors hide the majority of their foundation or feelings just as an iceberg only shows 10% of its mass.
This technique can apply to news stories because many reporters try to leave it up to the reader to figure out and learn what their true intentions are. This is seen a lot with politics. Sometimes a reporter may not bluntly say that a politician or a leader is wrong for his or her actions but the reporter uses their words and ideas behind their writing to help the reader see what the true meaning is. With this technique, reports help readers become more engaged into their articles and wanting more.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Academic Background, Future Plans, This course.
Hello. My name is Angelo David Laroche. This is my junior year at Manhattanville College. I am a Management major with a double minor in Dance & Theater and Communication studies. I have been on the deans list for the last 3 semesters and take pride in my academics.

I want to graduate Manhattanville College with my bachelor’s degree and I also want to attend grad school. I don’t think I will go to grad school at Manhattanville but I definitely want to live in the area. I completed an internship at MasterCard this past summer and I would love to get an entry level job there when I graduate. I also want to continue to dance. I danced with a company last summer and it was amazing. If I could dance part time while working on my career I would be happy.
This course fits into the big scheme of things because I want to be a part of a corporation that deals with the media and sales. It’s very important to know exactly how to write for the media. In the business world, it’s not about whether you can write for yourself but rather if you can write for others. Companies want to attract people whether it’s through their ads or websites. A place like MasterCard takes pride in communicating to the media on its products and services. I plan on retaining enough knowledge to be successful in a company that needs people to communicate through the media. This technique is what helps companies make a fortune on the amount of readers that they have. I want to learn this technique.