Thursday, December 11, 2008

I just finished reading a book by Billy Collins called, "The trouble with poetry." This book was a collective of Billy's poems. Billy is a very famous poem and he seems to be the only poet that could ever make it onto the bestseller's list while writing a book about poetry.

My favorite poem from this book was "The Trouble with Poetry." In this poem, Billy analyzes how poetry is something similar to a natural resource and one day poetry might end. He says that if we continue to right about things that the world has and we run out of things then that will be the end of poetry. I agreed with this theory because time and time again I have made the mistake of writing cliche poems that are boring because someone already wrote about the topic. Once we all use up all the things in this world then we will be left with pages and pages of clich poems.

I love reading poetry. I just finied taking the course Poetry Workshop with Sally-Bluimus and it was a really good class. We wrote journals on poems and we wrote poems throughout the semester. I learned alot about myself when I would write my poems because i contstantly wrote about my father and my mom. I had to read this book for that class and now I will definitely read more poetry even after the class. I definitely recommend this class to my friends because you can learn alot about yourself. I will also try to keep my own poetry book. I love writing poetry because poetry helps me to show my feelings without saying it to someone and that opportunity is very beneficial to me.

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